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By Jannie Linney

Well, I believe we are coming into a deeper understanding of the word of God. With all the craziness in the world today, it shows us, there is constant proof we must read the bible for our self. The word of God, the Bible is the final authority of life itself. It is the only measuring tool we have. We can see situation ethics does not work. Look around, what has been made better by it?

When changes come and we watch the results, Just common sense will tell us if it has improved our surroundings, or life as we know it. The bible has proven itself over and over for over six thousand years. It is still has the highest record of sales than any other book in history.

No, the bible was not written by mere men. The bible was written by approximately thirty five authors from all walks of life, educated and uneducated, over a period of fifteen hundred years. Included in the subjects are religion, history, law, science, poetry, drama, biography and prophecy. Yet its various parts are as harmoniously united as the parts that make up the human body. For this to have taken place in absolute harmony is a mathematical impossibility. The only adequate explanation is: Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Word and He never changes [Heb. 13:8].

The word of God will not be constantly changing according to some man, prophet, teacher, or church leader. Let’s get real, God is the only one we can truly depend on. He said “ I am the Lord thy God and I change not”[Matt. 3:6].

So, if some leader tells you that the word of God changes with their latest revelation,” Run!”

If we hear anything taught, dream a dream, have an experience, see a vision or even if an angel brings a word that does not line up with “The Word of God” then we kick the experience out and stick with “The Word.”

Yes the Bible teaches we are to have teachers, but we are to judge what they say by God’s word. Paul wrote by the Holy Spirit “Though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed [Gal.1:8].

God’s word. Paul wrote by the Holy Spirit “Though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed [Gal.1:8]. People who add to, take away or change the meaning of the Bible, is preaching a different gospel. They are cursed and bring a curse to those who follow them. Do not add or take away [ Gal. 3:18 - Deut.4:2 - Rev. 22:18-19]. Some religions do not want you to read for yourself or read anything not sanctioned by them. That is a form of control. Remember, God would not give you a book of instructions and then create you so dumb you couldn’t understand it. There are some who keep you in their organization with fear of being excommunicated. God is not a God of fear but of love and a sound mind. One who really has a true heart toward God does not use control and fear to keep you, but truth. Each scripture will be studied in the light of the whole cannon of scripture and in the nature and personality of God. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father but by me” [John14:6]. Our eternity, our forever, depends on what we believe and accept for our self. There is no second chance. Eternity is forever, ”Don’t Flub It”